"The digital arena is not a space outside of the law, and it is our duty to guarantee that also in this domain the democratic principles and values in which we believe are uphold and the norms preserving individual liberties, equality and freedom are safeguarded."

- National Strategic Framework for Cyberspace Security

"Education and training in the field of information security have been, until now, focused
mainly to specialist staff it operates or is intended to operate in the sector.
Arises, therefore, the need for an activity to promote a culture of cybersecurity
directed to a wide audience, including private citizens and staff, both enterprises and Public Administration."

Immediately accessible

This website was created with the goal of having readily available the most recent documents on cyber security at national and international level.

Italian database

Italian National Cyber Security Strategy and normative documents.

European database

National Cyber Security Strategies and Communications of the European Union.

International database

National Cyber Security Strategies and international best practices.

National Strategic Framework for Cyberspace Security

Posted February 19, 2104

In line with what is set forth in the Prime Minister’s Decree of the 24th January 2013, the present National Cybersecurity Strategic Framework highlights the nature and the evolving trends of the cyber threat as well as of the vulnerabilities to the national ICT networks, it outlines roles and tasks of public and private stakeholders involved in cybersecurity, and identifies tools and procedures to enhance the country’s preparedness to confront head-on the new challenges posed by cyberspace.The attached National Plan identifies a limited set of priorities, and...

Piano Nazionale Per la Protezione Cibernetica e la Sicurezza Informatica

Posted February 19, 2104

Il presente Piano Nazionale individua gli indirizzi operativi e le linee d'azione da porre in essere per dare concreta attuazione al Quadro Strategico Nazionale per la sicurezza dello spazio cibernetico, in linea con quanto previsto del Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri del 24 gennaio 2013 recante "indirizzi per la protezione cibernetica e la sicurezza informatica nazionale". Tale strategia associa alla sua valenza organica un tratto di flessibilità, indispensabile a fronte delle rapide evoluzioni tecnologiche dello spazio cibernetico e delle relative sfide di sicurezza."

Useful links

The most relevant documents

Here are National Cyber Security Strategies with more relevance in the international arena.

European strategy for cybersecurity

United States National Cyber Security Strategy

United Kingdom National Cyber Security Strategy

Germany National Cyber Security Strategy